aanshik adaayagee example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Government of India has also set up from time-to-time various institutions in order to facilitate the process of foreign trade in our country.
The major difference between the objectives of GATT and WTO is that the objectives of WTO are more specific and also extend the scope of WTO to cover trade in services.
As against GATT which covered only rules relating to trade in goods, the WTO agreements cover trade in goods, services as well as intellectual property.
The developed countries were imposing various kinds of quota restrictions under the Multi- Fibre Arrangement (MFA) that itself was a major departure from the GATT's basic principle of free trade in goods.Transliterated examples :
1. He teamed with John Thurzo, owner of mining establishments, but without money, and ensures the monopoly of trade in silver and copper 2. It was a fishing port and important trade in the Middle Ages, but it owes its development to heavy industry, since it grew from 18,000 inhabitants in 1860 to nearly 100,000 at the beginning of the century 3. Its prosperity is based primarily on trade in colonial products (tobacco, cotton) 4. Moreover, the settlement movement would have extremely important implications for the expansion of trade in the Mediterranean 5. One of his children, Jacob, Jacob the Elder said, is developing his business and when he died in 1469, leaving a flourishing trade in wool, cotton, fustian, silks, spices and drugsGiven are the examples of hindi word aanshik adaayagee usage in english sentences. The examples of aanshik adaayagee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., trade in.
Besides, trade in horses was primarily carried on through this route.
Government of India has also set up from time-to-time various institutions in order to facilitate the process of foreign trade in our country.
The major difference between the objectives of GATT and WTO is that the objectives of WTO are more specific and also extend the scope of WTO to cover trade in services.
As against GATT which covered only rules relating to trade in goods, the WTO agreements cover trade in goods, services as well as intellectual property.
It is due to the ATC that the world trade in textile and clothing has become virtually quota free since 1st January 2005, thus, benefiting immensely the developing countries to expand their textiles and clothing exports.
Agreement on Agriculture (AoA): It is an agreement to ensure free and fair trade in agriculture.
Though original GATT rules were applicable to trade in agriculture, these suffered from certain loopholes such as exemption to member countries to use some nontariff measures such as customs tariffs, import quotas and subsidies to protect interests of the farmers in the home country.
AoA is a significant step towards an orderly and fair trade in agricultural products.
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): Services means acts or performances that are essentially intangible and cannot be touched or smelt as goods.
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